We were sealed as an Eternal Family September 17, 2008! What an amazing day!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Swimming lessons are over :(

Best BUddIES!!Jaxon can't wait for his turn. Constantly saying "my turn, my turn" In fact the kids always want the other one to go first when they first get there. Jaxon didn't even hesitate. He just jumped in. So proud of him! They are both staying in the water even when its not their turn. hurray!!

This was crazy. Jaxon hugged Easton and Easton lost his balance and fell back. They both went under water. It was a little scare for Jaxon. I rescued them quickly. Crazy kids. Always have to be on your toes with kids that love water so much.

Easton floating on his back by himself!!!!! yeah!!!! High five buddy!!

We sure had a great time with the kids in swimming lessons this year. I won't miss the drive everyday but it was well worth every penny. Both of the kids progressed so much and are both doing so well. Easton can float on his back and swim the length of pool by himself. Jaxon is no longer scared of the water and its hard to keep him out. He is at that scary phase where he thinks he can swim by himself but can't. We have to keep an eye on him constantly. I love the confidence that he has though. I am constantly telling them that they are the best swimmers. Now I need to buy a pass at a motel or something so they can keep practicing even threw the winter. I don't want them to forget and start all over next year. I love my boys so much. They bring me so much happiness. I can't believe how much they change and grow everyday. I LOVE THEM!!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

FAmilY TiME is memorable

We sure don't get a ton of time together as a family but we sure make the best of the time we do get together. I am so proud and grateful for my little family. My kids are always so fun and I am so proud the them. Zac sure is a hard worker and I am so grateful for him in my life. He sure knows how to build me up when I am sad. He makes me smile and laugh is a great father to our little guys. He is my rock and I am so proud of him and the person he is. Thank you Zac for the great family time that we have had lately. Tomorrow can't come fast enough. Tuesdays are Saturdays at our house. We actually get to sit down and enjoy a meal together and we usually do something fun as a family even if it is just lounging around and visiting.

We built a fire... (or I should say I built the fire. I took up my bow drill set and made the fire from my sticks. I haven't done that for along time. I was proud of myself,that I can still do it. Zac just laughed at me and thought I was weird. haha. maybe I am. But its a survival skill and someday I may need it. haha ) ...roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and ate smores (my favorite:))
Easton loved roasting his hot dog. Jax just sat back and watched. He didn't want to get close to the fire, thank goodness for that.

Me and my handsome boys
One of our favorite places to go is Pine Valley. I surprised Zac with a fishing license and we took the boys fishing. What a great time. Unfortunately we didn't catch any fish but we had a great time teaching the boys how to cast. Easton can almost do it on his own and Jaxon just had fun flinging the pole around and pretending to fish. so funny

My cute Jaxon
Zac sure had a great time with the boys!Shirley was so good. She stayed in this spot. So obedient. She is an excellent dog Easton enjoying the fishing experience

Zac's hunting grounds. He loves this area!! So beautiful

Jaxon kissing his friend Mr. Horny toad. He loved this littLe creature.
It was so small. Easton didn't want to hold it but kept it in his hat. Jaxon loved it and just wanted to hold it. Poor little horny toad got its taste for what humans are all about.
There is no greater joy than to spend new adventures with your kids. I loved it. This was so exciting to them and it was so fun to share it with them. I loved playing in the dirt and holding frogs too when I was little. It brought back many memories of my tomboy adventures with my big brother. haha

Easton sat in front with Dad and loved every minute of it. He was a big helper and looked for deer.
The kids took turns helping dad drive. So fun. Jax was so funny. He didn't want Dads hands on the steering wheel. He wanted to drive all by himself. He was crazy, driving us off the road and almost hitting trees, then he would laugh so hard. funny kid.

Jax and I road in the back together and we sure had a great time. He loves loves to go for a ride on the ranger. Every time you ask him "what should we do today?" He responds "Ranger, ride" Easton and him would spend all day driving around in it. Great investment for great family adventures!!
Team work
We didn't see too many deer. We were too loud and scared them all away. haha. But we sure had a great time.Because of my mom I love sunsets......I could stay up every night to enjoy a good sunset. Beautiful! Pictures don't ever do sunsets justice.



Monday, August 17, 2009

Cutest Baby!

I just love this little nephew of mine so much! I have really gotten attached to him and his cute ways. He is really developing a cute personality! Thank you Kristy for letting me watch him on my days off. My sister is the best little mom ever. She is amazing! Doesn't this little guy look so happy and healthy!! I think he wins the cutest baby award (look at that smile and his dark brown eyes) aww, so cute!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Zac shot his deer!

My hubby shot his deer last evening. He came home just as we were almost out the door for church and surprised us. How exciting! Congratulations Zac, I am so excited and proud of you. Easton was especially proud. Easton kept saying " I want to eat it" Jaxon didn't want anything to do with it. He is more conservative than Easton.
Zac shot it at 83.5 yards away and hit it in the neck and got both carotid arteries. Wow, what an amazing shot. The practicing every night has paid off. Good job Zac!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tomato picking, Salsa making

We went out to the Stirling Fruit and Vegetable Farm out in Leads and picked our own tomatoes... So fun. The kids loved it. I have never seen so many tomato plants in all my life in one area. It was beautiful. The tomatoes were the biggest tomatoes I have ever seen. This was a good experience for my boys and I look forward to picking again next year. We picked 40 pounds which really didn't take long to pick because each tomato prob weighed a pound, only kidding but it was prob close to a pound.

I then came home, blanched them and started chopping. Lisa came over and we made salsa that evening. Thanks Lisa, it was fun. The bottled salsa turned out fabulous. Zac has already taken and eaten 3 bottles at work. Mrs. Stirling told me to make it and freeze it because when you take it out of the freezer it tastes so much better because it is like having fresh salsa. I tried that with half of the tomatoes and it tastes terrible. Lesson learned. I will no longer make salsa and freeze it. I will bottle it all. Thank you Dad and Jenny for the family secret recipe. I promise to keep it a secret.. lol. I really like it and I might even make more if I get more tomatoes this year. The next big project is peaches. They will be ready soon and I can't wait. I have been looking forward to Peaches all year :):) My Grandma and Grandpa Walker would be proud of me once again. She would also be proud to know that I bottled cherries this year too. I loved eating her bottled cherries, it was always the biggest treat and I still love them. I think she would be prouder if I learned to grow my own garden someday too. She and my Grandpa had the most beautiful garden. That is next. My sweet hubby is going to build me planter boxes sometime soon and I am going to learn to garden. Can't wait. I never thought I would be interested in gardening and bottling. Strange things happen to our minds and interests as we get older. haha.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Birthday Pictures.

We celebrated Jaxon and Boston's Birthdays together this year. They share the same Birthday, only 20 minutes apart in age. What an amazing thing that they will always have in common. They really enjoyed their day with a full house of people here. I had a lot to do that weekend. I also had to plan a lesson for sunday and our house need to be picked up desperately. Zac volunteered to decorate one of the cakes so I could take care of everything else. I have to say that he did a fabulous job. He now has a job every year with helping with the cake for the kids birthdays. I make them a cake every year as a tradition and something they have to look forward to. We gave both of the boys Elmo cakes as their present from us this year. Thats all Jaxon wanted. He reminds me everyday, probably 3 times a day that he got an elmo cake and its gone but he wants me to make another one. He was in heaven and loved every minute of having his Elmo cake. (notice the hand mark on the cake on the right side.... he got to the cake before the party started and had a little taste :)

Zac is really concentrating on making every star perfect. What a great husband I have!!!

Jaxon at the party
This is Boston blowing out his candle. Happy Birthday Boston, hope you liked your cake I failed to take picture of anyone at the party except for a few of the kiddos.....This is AshtonEaston and RyleeWe took Jaxon and Boston out and did a photo shoot of them and here are some of those pictures.

Knudsen Family

Knudsen Family

some random pics (click on the pictures)

My Blog List

Jaxon or "little stinker"

Jaxon or "little stinker"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"
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