We were sealed as an Eternal Family September 17, 2008! What an amazing day!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Grandma Walker would be so proud of me!!

So when I got home from my trip Zac surprised me with some money that he sold his bike with... I thought he was going to spend it all for new guns, scopes, hunting stuff, you know guy things.... he gave me some money and told me to go buy a wheat grinder (I have talked about one for along time now) So thats what I did.... I bought myself a wheat grinder. hurray!!! I am so weird I know.... I just thought it sounded so refreshing and good to have whole grain wheat bread. We have so much wheat in our food storage that I really wanted to learn how to use it. So yesterday I ground up some wheat and made homeade bread. It is so yummy! I was surprised on how easy it was. From the time I started and the bread was done it took only one hour! It took less than 5 minutes to ground up 7 cups of flour! WoW I was so impressed and thought "why haven't I done this before now" Here is the recipe if you are interested:
  • 6 cups warm water
  • 2 1/2 Tbsp yeast
  • 3 cups Whole wheat flour Mix 1-3 minutes
  • 1/2 cup gluten
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 2 1/2 Tbsp salt
  • 3 cups four
  • mix 3minutes
  • Add flour while mixing until it cleans the bowl and doesn't feel sticky. Mix 10 minutes. then set out on oiled surface and divide into 4 loaves. Cover and raise about 2ominutes or until loaves are 1 inch above pan. Bake at 350 or 325 if pans are dark non stick for 30 minutes...
  • One loaf was all gobbled up within the first 2ominutes of it being done! Its strange what we get excited about as we get older.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A break from the everyday life

My Grandma and Grandpa Fotheringham

My Great Granparents (my grandma's parents)
Provo Cemetary
Grandma Tucker and Easton
Easton loves his Grandma Carol
not sure if he wants to touch the calf or not
horse ride yipeee
I locked them up in jail
This peacock was really showing off

I had the most wonderful weekend! I really needed to get away and go do something fun. I was tired of being cooped up and doing the same old thing everyday. I was really itching to go somewhere. Being with family is the best place to be so, I met my wonderful mother up at my grandparents house in American Fork on friday and spent the entire weekend and came home on monday. Saturday was so nice, the weather was perfect (not too cold and not too hot) We spent the day at Thanksgiving point. Easton loved the animals and rode a horse for the first time, he was kind of scared at first but got the hang of it and wanted to ride it again.

On Sunday we spent alot of time talking about ancestors and going threw memories of them. It was really neat because my Grandma has the original copy of my Great great great grandma's patriarcal blessing, it was hand written.My grandma had it laminated. It was so neat to read. I learned alot about their lives and the trials that they went through. It makes me want to learn more about them. We visited the grave sites of my great great grandparents and my great grandparents. The cemetary was beautiful and there was a special feeling there.
It was so good to be up there and spend time with my mom and grandparents. They are my most favorite people in the entire world and I look up to them in all that I do. My mom is the best mom ever. She is always thinking of others before herself and she is so kind and honest in all her dealings. My grandma and grandpa are the nicest people also. I love how they are always telling me how good of a mom I am and they love my kids. My grandma has a laugh that is so addictive. She laughs and you can't help but laugh with her. I love them so much. The weekend went by way too fast. I wish we could slow down time for moments like those. I don't know what I would do without family.

Monday, May 19, 2008


I don't have a green thumb at all and I was getting disappointed because the seeds I planted were taking forever to grow. I am finally excited because I have flowers blooming!!! HURRAY!


Rolling down our fun hill
Fun in the tub!!
Boston and Jaxon (cousins born 23 minutes apart, now almost 10months)

I am the luckiest person in the whole world because I had my little nephews and neice over this last week for an evening. They are the cutest little kids ever and I just love them. Easton absolutely loves to play with them too and always asks "play with Rylee and Ashton, please" Its getting more and more fun to get them together because they can play together and have a blast. I love to get down and play with them too. I tried to teach them how to roll down our grassy hill on the side of our house and they thought that was so fun. Bath time was so fun too!They splashed and played and giggled!! I love watching them and hope they come over more often! Meghan bring them over anytime!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jaxon's playing peek-a-boo

So, this is going to be a short post because I just got home from a really busy day at work and I just need to wind down for a minute. I just wanted to share with everyone that Jaxon is now playing peek-a-boo. I love it!! He doesn't want to crawl or scoot or be on his belly but he can peek-a-boo. He also loves to give wide open mouth kissed and he loves to patty cake! I have started feeding him some solid foods and he loves them. The only thing is he just is not interested in crawling and he will be 10months on the 27th of this month. eeee! Easton was scooting everywhere at 7 months and trying to climb the stairs, but I know they all go at their own pace. Maybe I should be glad he is not crawling. lol
Also, I am excited because next weekend I am meeting my wonderful, beautiful mother up in American Fork and we are going to take the kids to the zoo!! It will be such a nice break! I can't wait to see my mom and grandparents. I am really getting lonely for my family. I miss them so much. I wish we all lived closer!!
Oh, ya, one more thing, I got a calling to be the Behive advisor! yeah, I am so excited. I went to young womens for the first time last week and I really like it. I am excited for this calling because I didn't experience young womens. The only thing I dread is teaching because you know me, I cry over everything (because the spirit always touches me) and I have a hard time speaking infront of people, but it will be good for me!
That was longer than I thought it would be, good night, sweet dreams, love you all, Kamill

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Easton has been such a good brother today!

Easton has been such a cute brother today.... He has wanted to share all his toys (this is usually not like him at all) He started off this morning with piling all his toys around Jaxon and then he wanted to read him a story. Later he wanted Jaxon wear his boots, so we put them on him. He wanted to feed Jaxon and boy was he lovin it! (He actually did a really good job, he only missed his mouth a couple times) After feeding him all that was in the bowl, Easton insisted that Jaxon wanted more (just so that he could feed him more) Easton kept saying "Easton help huh mom, Eastons good helper huh mom" After lunch he wanted to take Jaxon for a ride in his truck! "Here mommy, sit Jaxon on my lap, here mommy, come on mommy. Lets go ride Jaxon." I love how much Easton is talking and I love that I can actually understand most of what he says.

Monday, May 12, 2008

WhAt A WoNdErFuL DaY

So Eaton has reached the pretend world and I love it!!! We pretend all day long. We were laying in his bed at nap time and he was pretending that his headboard was a door and he was answereing the door because papa was knocking on the other side. He kept saying "come in papa, come lay by me and take a nap". Also today he was riding his stick horse around and would stop and pretend to feed him food. I love the pretend world and love to play along with him. He is so much fun..
Jaxon is such a good baby. He is clapping tons and loves to smack his lips and make noises. He can scoot himself in circles but doesn't have any interest in crawling. He just loves to sit and watch is brother run around. He is getting two more teeth on top and hasn't felt the greatest but I can imagine how bad that would hurt. He loves his brother and Easton has been so good with him. He will sit and play peek-a-boo with him and they both laugh. Jaxon is definitely a mamas boy and loves for me to pack him around and hold him. I love my boys!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Easton was being to fun and helped me water the flowers. He was so quiet and just focusing on the water and watching it hit the dirt. I could just see the light turn on as he turned towards me and said"get you mommy" It was so funny to see him spray me with water. The water fight began and we both ended up getting wet!!

Knudsen Family

Knudsen Family

some random pics (click on the pictures)

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Jaxon or "little stinker"

Jaxon or "little stinker"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"
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