We were sealed as an Eternal Family September 17, 2008! What an amazing day!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Feeding the ducks

I had some moldy bread, so we decided to go feed some ducks out in Bloomington hills. Most of ducks were swimming when we arrived but once they figured out that we had food they began to swarm us. Easton was a little scared of them considering that they were almost as big as him. He felt more comfortable in the stroller. They were not scared of us at all. I guess there are probably plenty of people that stop and feed them

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Okay, I am so lonely and I am missing my husband. He works so much that we seriously don't ever see each other. He worked last night and slept most of the day today, he went back to work tonight for a 24 hour shift. He will be home tomorrow night, then he goes back to work monday morning and works another 24 hour shift. He will be home tuesday to sleep. I might see him as he ventures to the kitchen for a some cookies and milk. He goes back to work tuesday night and works another 24 hour shift and will finally be home again wednesday evening. I go back to work thursday, friday and saturday. Zac works friday and saturday night as well so we don't see each other after I get off work only to pass the kids off to each other. confusing isn't it. Is it Healthy to work so many hours? 96 hours in one week!!*sigh* I sure feel for him, he is going to be exhausted not to mention that he does this almost every week and he watches the kids on the days that I work!! I wouldn't want to work that many hours. He sure is a hard worker and I miss him.


I am so proud of my planting abilities this year!!!

Taking the dogs swimming

Shirley (Zac named her shirley because he said she was to shirley catch a duck) haha

Love those cheeks! He plays so hard that his cheeks turn bright red!
Sweet boy

So, whenever Zac is home we spend a lot of family time out at the Ivans Reservoir training the dogs. We have two dogs Shirley and Rex. They are the best dogs. They are so obedient and are really doing good with their retrieves. The boys absolutely love it! Easton enjoys standing by his dad helping him call the dogs and he loves to throw rocks in the water. Jaxon just enjoys life and is always pretty content wherever he is. I just really enjoy just being together as a family and it really is a beautiful place to be. Nice and quiet!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


First Day of preschool!

I decided to put Easton in Preschool one day a week for a couple months, then he may go twice a week. Today was the first day and he loved it. I was so scared that he wouldn't like it or that he wouldn't be ready for preschool. His teacher said that he really did good. I thought it would be good for him to be around other kids his age and have a break from mom. There are 8 kids in his class and he is the youngest. There is another little boy that is 2 months older than him. The other kids are 3 years old. Today he learned about dinosaurs and he made a dinosaur. He was so excited to show daddy his dinosaur when we got home.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Easton just loves Jaxon! Today while we were driving home from Costco these cute little boys were laughing at each other. It was so funny.They would take turns screaming and laughing. I love happy moments like these. I love that they are so close in age. I hope they grow to be best friends.
Easton is talking and saying the funniest things. Today at lunch he said "Mommy come sit on my lap and have some lunch" as he is patting his lap. So funny!
I love these boys!
Zac and I were driving around looking at houses for sale out in Winchester. I was talking about how nice it would be to have some horses and chickens. Easton says really loud "and goats" I didn't realize he was listening to what we were saying.Then he kept saying "see forces (horses)please" He loves farm animals right now. Especially sense we took him to Thanksgiving point.

Isn't Jaxon so cute

Monday, June 9, 2008

Making Baby Food

So, making my own baby food has almost come to an end as Jaxon is getting more and more interested in eating regular food. I can't believe he is now eating pretty much anything that we are eating. I am still feeding him baby food in between bites of regualar food but he gets upset and doesn't like it anymore. I want to thank my Sister-in-law Meghan for introducing me to making baby food. I enjoy making it and it really was not that hard. I truly recommend it to everyone.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

What to feed a TWO YEAR OLD!!??!

*sigh*This little boy is the pickiest eater (like his father) I was trying to get Easton to eat his chicken. He usually eats chicken without a problem but he decided that the chicken was "yucky." Usually when I try and feed him he just turns his head and puts his lips together so its impossible to get any food in. Sometimes he will take the food if I make it into a plane or choochoo train. It didn't work this time. Instead he put his hands in his mouth so there wasn't a chance in getting food in. I couldn't help but laugh. It was so funny to me. No, he never gave in. stubborn (like his father) I don't know how toddlers servive on what little they eat. Any suggestions?

Monday, June 2, 2008


The Great Outdoors!

So we decided to try the camping thing this last Friday night, with our two little ones. Jaxon's first camping experience and he loved it. He was the happiest baby ever. Easton also had a great time and was so fun, energetic, and helpful. He wanted to help with everything, he got into my diaper bag and got Jaxon's formula and a bottle and was going to make Jaxon a bottle and he spilt most of the formula everywhere. In the morning he wanted to help daddy cook eggs and broke eggs everywhere. He was so cute! I love his independence! I love his fun
personality. He also plays so hard that
his cheeks turn bright red.It was kind of cold at night so Jaxon
slept with me in my sleeping bag and Easton slept with Zac in his sleeping bag. Needless to say I got way more sleep than Zac. haha. Easton is such a wild sleeper and to have him in the same sleeping bad. Yikes! You could only imagine the kicking, turning, twisting, moving, punching, hitting, all night long. With Jaxon in my sleeping bag he just laid perfect in my arm pit all night. The only complaint that I have is that I got a cramp or two in my arm because I didn't want to move and wake up him up.

Easton loved to play with Daddy's binoculars and was "looking for Elk"

I have to say that I have the most wonderful husband ever. He planned this camping trip. He had everything ready to go camping when I got home from work on Friday. He remembered everything we needed. When I get the trip ready I always forget something. I was very impressed. He even remembered to bring toilet paper which is something we forget most of the time and we end up using leaves, lol. Zac even made the most wonderful breakfast,eggs, bacon, and OJ. I am the luckiest girl on the planet!

It was so nice to be around a camp fire and to hear the coyotes howling in the back ground. And to see the stars. We love the outdoors and look forward to camping more this year!

Knudsen Family

Knudsen Family

some random pics (click on the pictures)

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Jaxon or "little stinker"

Jaxon or "little stinker"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"
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