We were sealed as an Eternal Family September 17, 2008! What an amazing day!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

getting creative :) lol

My sweet sister in laws! I know this picture is interesting but I like it :) I was just experimenting and trying to make them look like a painting. They are so cute. I love you Kourtney and Meghan :)
Jaxon and Boston

Can't believe they are turning two next month

I will post real pictures later. I was just being silly. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

52 bottles of jam on the wall!!

I jammed out last week making apricot jam! Lately I have been really interested in self preserving. Unfortunately I don't have a garden to preserve from but I have found some mom and pop orchards to buy from. So if anyone here's of any farmers selling let me know. Someday I hope to have a yard big enough to have a garden and fruit trees. I do have 4 tomato plants this year that have some tomatoes growing, but not enough to can. I am looking forward to get sweet yummy corn and peaches from Colorado this year. Thanks Jenny for letting me call you 100 times for tips on making jam. You were so helpful:) I will be calling you more when I bottle other things. I hope to do a lot of bottling this summer:)

Here's some pictures of my kids too. They are so fun:) Jaxon really is full of personality and has been sticking up for himself when Easton picks on him. Easton actually called out help today and Jaxon had him pinned down and was pinching his cheeks. He is talking to so well too. He is starting to put two words together.
Easton is so smart and funny. Some of the things he says makes me laugh. My friend Allison watched my kids yesterday (thanks Allison). I asked Easton if he told Allison that he was potty trained. He looked at me confused and said "She didn't have a train on her potty" I then explained what potty trained meant and he said "Oh thats neat, I want a train on my potty" So funny. Easton is starting swimming lessons next week and he is so excited about it. He is also starting Preschool again in August and he is so excited about that too. He says he is going to be big and tall like daddy so now he can start school and soon be a paramedic like daddy too.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My family

Surprise MOM!!!

Kaylon and Brandi

Me and my hubby

MorganRobbie and his Girlfriend Nichole

Mom taking the kids for a ride, letting them all take turns driving. What a fun grandma:)


Kristy and troy boy

Grandpa and his cutie boys that just adore him

Jax behind the wheel

Its raining. The biggest sprinklers anyone could ask for in their back yard:)

Grace had the most fun in the sprinklers. She would have spent all day in them
Even I ran threw the water (Everyone said it was sewer water after the fact. EWW)

My mom put bubbles in the bath and turned the jets on:) We didn't know that the bubbles would keep growing and growing and growing. We sure got a good laugh out of it (my stomach hurt from laughing so hard) and the kids had a blast. Surprisingly there is only about a foot of water in the tub, the rest bubbles.

These Three boys had fun playing and running together

GRACE! Freedom

All the grand kids

My Nephew Seth (He is 3 years old only 6 months older than Easton) This trip was the first time for me to see him in person. I have seen many pictures but had never met him until this weekend. He is absolutely adorable and so smart.

My Sweet Jaxon loving life

Easton (gotta love the hair)

Grace ( I love her, she is so darling)

We had a SURPRISE PARTY for my mom this last week end. We went to her beautiful country house in Colorado. It was so relaxing and beautiful. It was so great to be with all my siblings. It was so good to see all my siblings Kaylon, Brandi, Morgan, Bronson, Robbie, Kristy. IT was amazing for us all to be together. Mom, I love you and wouldn't have missed your brithday for anything. Can't believe you are 39 and still holding. You look so good for your age. Love you tons and glad your birthday was wonderful!! Can't wait to get together more often. We need to plan an annual event every year for all of us to get together again.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Going Private

I just have this strong feeling to go PRIVATE! I want to protect my children sense I post tons of pictures of them. So please if you want to continue looking at my blog let me know what your email address is. You can either post it or email it to me. kamillwalker@hotmail.com. I will be changing to private in a week.

Knudsen Family

Knudsen Family

some random pics (click on the pictures)

My Blog List

Jaxon or "little stinker"

Jaxon or "little stinker"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"
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