We were sealed as an Eternal Family September 17, 2008! What an amazing day!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Birthday my little 2 year old!!! I love you!!!

Happy Birthday Jaxon!!! I can't believe you are already 2 years old! Time has gone by so fast. You have developed the cutest personality and are saying some of the funniest things. You come up with things that I wonder where you got that idea, or where did you hear that. The other day we went swimming and I asked you if you were a fish like your brother. You said "no, shark" so funny. We drove by the temple the other day and you asked to go "In, temple?" I asked "You want to go in the temple" you said "yeah, scared" I said, "Its not scary, its a happy place" You said "Mcdonalds". So funny, you compared the temple to Mcdonalds. You are such a smarty pants and goofy too. You amaze me every day. I love you so much. I can't even express the happiness that you have brought into my life. I am so lucky to be your mom. You are so funny, for your birthday, when we asked you what you wanted, you would always say "Elmo cake, eat it, yummy" The sound of your voice was the funnest and you would get really animated. So for your birthday thats what you gave you.... An Elmo Cake. You loved it. Happy Birthday little one. Love you so much. I will add pictures later.....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Swimming Lessons of 2009

Beginner Level 1 Swimming class of 2009Swimming lessons this year was very entertaining, interesting, fun and exciting. The class was very unusual and different from last year. All of the kids except Easton (because he was born part fish) cried and cried during lessons. It was so sad. Jaxon wouldn't get into the pool unless I physically carried him over and handed him to Kristen, then as soon as his turn was over he was out of the pool, wrapped in a towel and would repeat himself over and over "home, home, home". One day he ran all the way out the gate and almost made it to the car because he just wanted to go "Home." I kept thinking to myself "Is this worth it or should I just give up and try again next year" I am so glad that I decided to continue carrying Jax to the pool, hand him over to Kristen and let the poor kid be dunked under water again and again and again. Doesn't that just sound so sad. I wondered if it would traumatize him so he wouldn't like the water at all. All the moms felt the same as I did but we kept going. Zac by the way calls it drowning lessons. Everyday
when we would get home from swimming Jax would say " Swimming, fun." I know he was trying to convince himself that he really did like swimming, mostly because Easton loves it so much. The the very last day of this session, 3 weeks later, Jax decides not to cry for one lesson. I have to say that everyday would get better and better but the last day he didn't cry at all. He had a smile on his face the entire time. All of the kids in his class didn't even cry. All of us moms were so excited and cheering for all the kids. The last 10 minutes of lessons is free time and Easton is usually the only one left in the water. All of the kids, even Jaxon stayed in the water to play with all the fun toys. I was to thrilled and so excited. My boys are so fun and I am so excited for them to continue learning to swim at such a young age. I am so glad that I found Kristen who has been so good with them.

Easton gets out of the water after his turn and says "I did it!" Everyday, I love it! Jaxon kept saying that his last day too.

Going to Kristen on his own!!!

He is saying "I did it!"

This is my wild Crazy fish! Easton is doing so good this year. Still in Level 1 but he should be moving up to level 2 soon. He can swim then take a breath and continue swimming. Once he gets the back float down he will move up.

Here he is practicing using his "big Zippers" as Kristen calls it

I thought it was such a diverse group of kids. I really got a kick out of this little Chinese boy. He is the same age as Jaxon and He is such a cutie! He was so busy and all over the place. He's a good little swimmer too. They were all fun to watch. It was an entertaining 30 minutes that I looked forward to everyday. The class had 3 African American kids, 1 Chinese and my boys. I love it!
I can't wait for the next Session, starts August 10th:) I hope all the same kids are in their class.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Celebration

Happy 4th of July
I love our Freedom!!
This was the funnest 4th of July I have had in along time. Its amazing how you go back home after many years and the 4th of July in a small town beats every other celebration out there including Christmas. I can't wait for next year. My kids had an absolute blast. It will be something we Celebrate every year from now on. It was so fun to see people I haven't seen for 12 years. I can't believe how some people have changed. I didn't recognize some people. They probably didn't recognize me either. It was so good to see my very best friend, Devin. Her little family is adorable. She is pregnant with her second baby and I am so excited for her. It was especially special to be there with all of my siblings with my dad's family. That is a rare occasion when we all get together. We were able to have family pictures taken and they turned out amazing. Who would know that little Blanding has the best photographer of all time. Sandy did an excellent job. Very impressed. I am having a hard time deciding what pictures I want printed. I will post them when I get them.

My dad and Jenny always have the same spot every year. They say everyone knows its their spot and nobody would ever take it. They also have a tradition of always having a water fight every year. They have tons of water balloons. They throw them at the cheerleaders every year and the cheerleaders are prepared for it. The cheer leaders love it! So fun.
Easton, Micki, Grace

Loving the candy

We had our own fire work celebration friday night and it was amazing. Its been along time sense I ran around waving a sparkler!! I felt like a kid again:) This is Jill with her giant long sparkler.

Daddy and Jax giving Kisses. Jax bit Zac on the lip after I took this picture. lol

Marshmellow roasting.

This is scary me!! Kristy and I having fun doing our old tricks on the tramp. I peed my pants just very little bit, embarrassing to say. I didn't use to believe it when older women said that tramps make them pee their pants. I really feel old now. I am going to have to see a Dr about this. haha

Kristy!! Wooo! Love the boofont hair! Zoom in on this picture at the hair and you will get a good laugh! She is so cute. We had so much fun laughing and jumping!

Kristy has wild hair in this wild bum war with Grace! (Have you ever had a bum war on the tramp? Was that just a Blanding game? So much fun!)

My boys!! Loving the Dam. Wanting so bad to go for a swim

Sam teaching her Marlee pup to swim.

Sam and her new Birthday puppy. Happy Birthday Sam!!!

Dad and Troy

We drove up on Good old Blue Mountain Saturday afternoon and it was so beautiful! Grace was so funny. She is a total tom boy. We laughed and laughed at her while she stomped threw the mud with her bare feet, falling over and just getting muddy. I wanted to join in the fun. Instead I took pictures of her and she thought it was so funny to try and hit me with mud. She didn't like me taking her picture. She is so cute!!

More Mud fun
The evening of the 4th Dad and Jenny had a BBQ at there house. It was Great fun. Over 50 people were there. The kids had a great time. The food was amazing and lots of it!!!! I have been craving the pork:) Yumo. There were like 5 different kinds of meat and yes I tried them all, couldn't resist. Salads were good too, I had seconds on the cream salad. Desert, we had Banana splits, WOW. I was stuffed but would do it all over again!

Jill, so beautiful

Micki, darling. She could be a model
We went to the park to watch the fire works. I was really impressed with them. They had a live band playing songs and we danced and sang along. They played Neil diamond( Zac was happy about that) They played music as the fire works went off. It was very impressive. Brandy, Kaylon and I had a great time singing loudly with the music. We had a great time.
I wanted to post more pictures but my computer is so slow. I took so many pics, imagine that. Thank you Dad and Jenny for having us at your house. Thank you for your hospitality! Also, It was fun to learn about some of Jenny's 'witchful' ways. She is amazing... makes her own lotions, hair teas, face cleanser. I want to learn it all. She is an amazingly knowledgable naturalist. I am so interested in learning about it all. Thank you so much for the sour dough start too. I made bread when I got home and it was yummy!! Can't wait to come over there again soon. I loved every minute of it. It went by way too fast!!!
Hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July!!!

Knudsen Family

Knudsen Family

some random pics (click on the pictures)

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Jaxon or "little stinker"

Jaxon or "little stinker"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"
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