
We were sealed as an Eternal Family September 17, 2008! What an amazing day!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My loves!

I am so behind on blogging! I have been so busy with life, kids, work, responiblities with the house and yard. Where does time go? What is happening with this busy but fast paced world. I forget sometimes how greatful I am for so many people and lifes challenges and opticals. I was sitting down today in peace and quiet and looked around me. My living room is covered in clutter, finger prints on the walls. My laundry is climbing to the ceiling. I have dirty dishes in my sink, I have dirt tracked into my house, toys scattered around the house, toilets that need to be cleaned, garbages that need to be emptied. But as I sat there I thought about how my glass really is half full not half empty. I need to look at life differently than I do sometimes. All of these things that I see are so great!! It means I have a roof over our heads, healthy kids, food on the table, entertainment for the kids, dirt in our yard to play in, toilets for our conviences and many many other things that we take for granted every single day. I am truly the luckest person in the entire world.

I have the most amazing husband who loves and cares about me and our kids. We have our differences sometimes just like every other living person in a relationship, but we truly love each other so much. We are each others rocks and strength. I am his strength. We build each other up in so many ways. We couldn't do it with out each other! We have two adorable hansome boys that need thier parents. The gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints teaches me what is important and what matters most. It is in the family proclamation: It says " Husband and Wife have a solemn responsibilty to love and care for each other and for their children. "Children are heritage of the Lord" Psalms 127: 3) Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives- mothers and fathers- will be accountable before god for the dicharge of these obligations." I will continue to strive to do what I need to do to be a good parent. I will follow the family proclamation. I will teach my kids the important things in life. This blog post is a reminder for me as I read my posts again and again. I am so greatful and my heart is so full.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas is almost here and I am so excited!

Some things I want to start with my kids this year:

I want to learn to make my moms amazing candy!
I want to make a cookie house and decorate it!
Go find a tree to cut down, decorate it with my kids and listen to fun music. I think the tree is for kids and I don't think it should be perfect with all the same decorations. I want a variety of fun even homemade decorations that they will remember.
I want my kids to know and understand the true meaning of Christmas. I want to make it a tradition to see a live Nativity and to read the same Christmas Story every year on Christmas Eve. (Anyone have any good stories or fun craft ideas?)
I want to do chocolate fondue on Christmas eve!
I want to find a Santa to come visit on Christmas eve. (Anyone know a Santa that does house visits?)
I have been collecting Children Christmas books and want to collect more. I am going to put them in a basket in front of my tree wrapped. Every night before bed let them unwrap one for bed time stories. I wrapped them last year:)
I am going make a SPECIAL Christmas Pillow cases for my kids to sleep on this month so they have sweet Christmas dreams. haha I know it sounds silly but I think my kids would love it.
I am going to buy my kids an ornament for the tree, put the date on it.
I am only giving my kids three gifts! Like the 3 wise men. A toy, a book and something to wear. I am not stressed at all about Christmas. I can focus on others more. hurray!
I want to do a Christmas Count down
I am going to do the 12 days of Christmas.
Feel free to leave a comment on some fun family traditions. I just want to make memories for my children that they will hopefully never forget.
I love the holidays!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Late, Late, Late and Late Entry

Thought it is about time to catch up on everything... or I should say most things. I am very late on some of them but oh well.

Zac and I had a great 5 year anniversary. We went to Zion and hiked for the day. It was beautiful and we had a great time. It was nice to get away for the day and spend time together. Kristy watched the kids for us so that was nice.

Easton Started Preschool officially this year in September. He loves it so much. He goes to SuperStartpreschool and loves his teacher Mrs. Nobis. He has 13 kids in his class and he already has friends that he talks about everyday. He is super friendly. Everytime I drop him off he calls every kid by name and says hi to them. He is so social, asking them how they are doing and what they have been up to? He just cracks me up. He also has to give Jax a hug and kiss bye. He always tells him... "Love you Jax, you have fun with mom and be good for mom okay" I love it. He is so adorable. I sure hope he is good in class and hope he listens to Mrs. Nobis. He has learned so much already. I am very impressed.

For Halloween this year both Jax and Easton were cowboys riding a horse. If anyone asked them what they were going to be they would answer " I am going to be a horse" haha. I thought that was so cute. They were super cute and they had a great time trick-o-treating. I worked on halloween so my sweet sister got them ready and took them around her neighborhood and then when I got off work I took them to a few houses. I laughed so hard when I took them around and figured out that thier costumes were switched. I didn't tell Kristy that there were different sizes. haha. Jax had the bigger horse and he really struggled walking around. Kristy mentioned to me that Jax got really tired and had a hard time with his horse. Eastons horse, the legs were short in front and he really got around fast. haha. I laughed and laughed. It was so funny

Making cookies is always a must at halloween:) I was planning on taking them around to friends but didn't. We ate all of them! No wonder I have gained a couple inches:( But they sure were good!

Carving pumkins and the boys really didn't know what to think about the slimey goowy mess inside them. They didn't want anything to do with putting their hands inside.

We went to Staheli farms and visited the pumkin patch. What a great place to go as a family. They had fun games, food, a petting zoo and a corn maze. Great time. Wish Zac could have been there with us. Kids loved it

Horse swing. Easton and Jax stayed on this swing for so long. They loved it so much I think they would still be on it now if I didn't make them get off.

Enjoying the fall weather. I love love love when the leaves start changing. Its the most beautiful time of the year. We took a drive up to Kolob and loved every minute of it!
Jax loving life

Even Troy Joined us for the day. He is so fun. We sure love him. He was teething and not feeling the greatest but he sure was a good sport.
Two buds... I just had to have a picture in this amazing field. I just loved the dead grass effect.. Haha... Zac just laughed and said "Its dead grass, why do you want a picture of dead grass?" I love the way it looked with my two beautiful boys standing in the middle of it.
Jax and Easton loved looking at the fun leaves. They gathered a bunch to take home with us:)
Zac sure has had a great time Duck Hunting this year. He was very excited to have killed two wood ducks. We are getting them mounted. I guess they are really rare around here. I am excited because he is excited:) The kids loved seeing his ducks
Jax wanted to "Hold it" He wants to "Hold" Everything. Zac let him hold the drake they shot. He carried it everywhere... funny boy
Shirley is proud too
Zac took my camera out and took some pics of some ducks! Wow huh! He did a great job. I think he could enter this pic into a contest and win. I love it

We went up to visit Grandma and Grandpa Fotheringham and I just loved this picture of my kids with grandma.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One CUTE boy!!

I enjoyed every minute of taking pictures of this little boy!! Troy is a doll as my Grandma Fotheringham would say. I have to say that he is a stud muffin! He is going to have the girls chasing him once he old enough to date. I truly love him so much. I get so excited to watch him and see his little personality change. He is so full of personality. He was smacking kiss noises at me today after kissing him. I am so glad that I have Kristy and Troy in my life. Kristy is so amazing and she brightens my world. Love you Kristy and I hope you like the way the pictures turned out. I love them and thank you for letting me practice on Troy. My first real photo shoot!!

Apple picking

I'm Back!!! I decided that blogging is so important because in a way it is journaling. I am so exc!ited to blog and print everything for family record. I love my life and my 3 boys. I love every momment in my life and for the great blessings I get to enjoy everyday. We went apple picking as a fam and it was increadible. I love that my boys enjoyed it so much and still talk about it. They loved climbing the ladder and picking them all by themselves. It was a beautiful day and I can't wait until next year to do it all over again. We made applesause and apple pie filling and it sure is YUmmY! Easton was my big helper... he pealed all apples while I sliced them... What an amazing 3 year old. Jax was a helper too but he enjoyed eating the apples more than anything. Love the memories!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

5 year anniversary

Can't believe it has been 5 years sense Zac and I tied the knot and started our amazing family. I can't even tell you how blessed I am to have such an amazing husband and wonderful kids with him. We have definitely had our ups and downs but threw it all we are surviving and loving every minute of it. I have an amazing day planned for us tomorrow and can't wait to spend it with my lover! I will post pictures:)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Swimming lessons are over :(

Best BUddIES!!Jaxon can't wait for his turn. Constantly saying "my turn, my turn" In fact the kids always want the other one to go first when they first get there. Jaxon didn't even hesitate. He just jumped in. So proud of him! They are both staying in the water even when its not their turn. hurray!!

This was crazy. Jaxon hugged Easton and Easton lost his balance and fell back. They both went under water. It was a little scare for Jaxon. I rescued them quickly. Crazy kids. Always have to be on your toes with kids that love water so much.

Easton floating on his back by himself!!!!! yeah!!!! High five buddy!!

We sure had a great time with the kids in swimming lessons this year. I won't miss the drive everyday but it was well worth every penny. Both of the kids progressed so much and are both doing so well. Easton can float on his back and swim the length of pool by himself. Jaxon is no longer scared of the water and its hard to keep him out. He is at that scary phase where he thinks he can swim by himself but can't. We have to keep an eye on him constantly. I love the confidence that he has though. I am constantly telling them that they are the best swimmers. Now I need to buy a pass at a motel or something so they can keep practicing even threw the winter. I don't want them to forget and start all over next year. I love my boys so much. They bring me so much happiness. I can't believe how much they change and grow everyday. I LOVE THEM!!!!!

Knudsen Family

Knudsen Family

some random pics (click on the pictures)

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Jaxon or "little stinker"

Jaxon or "little stinker"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"

Easton, often called "little dude" or Grandpa Knudsen calls him "tornado"
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